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Friday, August 2, 2013

DIY Chalk Board

It's Back-to-School time...I absolutely love this time of year!  Even when I was in school it was fun, mostly because I love buying school supplies.  Anyway..I thought it would be fun to post this chalk board we made a while back.  My kids have absolutely loved this thing for playing school, my oldest pretends to be the teacher and my two younger kids have learned a lot from her.  I use it when we do preschool with my three and five year old, it makes it fun and a little bit more official.

 I found this cute little bucket in Target's dollar bins...when I saw it I knew it had to be mine but I didn't know why.  It works perfectly for keeping the chalk and eraser...see I really did need it ;)

I think the teacher has been having trouble with a certain boy in her class...he tends to be very wiggly and likes to bring food to that huge bag of chips he's holding.

It ties in nicely with our Airplane Hanger we made last year for hanging artwork on.

These little airplanes go with the airplane hanger I just mentioned, they are a great project for preschoolers.  You can find the tutorial here.

Written Tutorial

Sorry if you are a visual learner but I didn't take any pictures while we were making this, but it is quite simple.

We used an old piece of scrap bead board that was about the right size (1/4" MDF board).  Paint it with chalkboard spray paint, I got mine at home depot. We also had some scrap trim leftover from another project and cut our pieces with straight cuts. Sand any rough edges then glue down to your chalkboard piece with construction adhesive.

Secure with staples from the back (make sure they are short enough to not go through to other side).

I painted my trim pieces afterwards but you could easily do it before, whatever works for you.  I used an acrylic craft paint and did a couple of coats.

Super cheap and easy...or free if you hoard scrap wood like we do!

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